Amy and Scott, short on money and talent, hatch a desperate scheme to commit the perfect murder. As they toggle between colorful fantasies and hopeful delusions, the kids discover their plot to commit...
Rattling around in his mansion in the Hamptons, faded Sinatraesque crooner and notorious ladies man Paul Lombard stews over the acclaim that eluded him in his career and the trail of romantic wreckage...
Colleagues Les and Natalie are delayed in the Albuquerque airport. Restless| irritated| and unable to stand the service workers he meets at every turn| Les heads...
Sonia is a neurotic jingle writer who's always dreamt of a big and exciting life. Surprised by a sudden proposal and subsequent ultimatum from her easy-going boyfriend, Chris, Sonia has to decide whet...
The Morning After is a feature film that consists of 8 vignettes that are inter-cut throughout the film. The 8 vignettes are about when you wake up next to someone the next morning......
Return to Nuke 'Em High: Volume 2 is the continuation of Lloyd Kaufman's inspired two-part indie event film. Lauren and Chrissy, two lesbian lovers, must face and defeat the most corrupt and evil forc...