The Fifth Horseman is the story of Keiji, a young Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) medic assigned to the infamous Unit 731's medical experimentation facility commanded by his father. Keiji has always beli...
Amanda and John adopt a gorgeous baby girl from Europe. After years of angst and disappointment, they finally adopt the baby they had dreamed about. But something is not quite right and after a short ...
莎拉(丹妮尔·帕娜贝克 Danielle Panabaker 饰)是一个单纯到有些天真的女孩,陷入了和有妇之夫泰瑞(安德鲁·霍华德 Andrew Howard 饰)的情感纠葛之中。然而,让莎拉没有想到的是,一天,泰瑞竟然在毫无征兆的情况下将她残忍的抛弃了。莎拉的同事露(妮可·拉里贝特 Nicole LaLiberte 饰)不忍心看到好友如此难过,于是把她带到酒吧买醉,在那里,两人邂逅了名为西蒙(迈...