Set in a wasteland enclosed by a large white wall, the last survivor from a brutal child internment camp reluctantly takes on one final bounty hunting job to protect the idyllic life he has rebuilt....
任时完(Lim Si Wan),艺名时完,本名任雄宰(音译),韩国9人组合“ZE:A帝国之子”成员之一。2010年出道。2012年凭借《拥抱太阳的月亮》中少年许炎一角一跃成名,人气直升;之后在《赤道的男人》中扮演少年李长日一角演技广受好评,紧接着又在MBC日日剧《stand by》中出演磨练演技,成为名副其实的演技idol。而他主演的处女座电影《辩护人》,自上映以来,一直登顶韩国周末票房榜。很多业...
A tough-talking junkyard owner offers 100,000 dollars to anyone who can kill the murderous extraterrestrial that landed on her property, leading to an all out bloodbath as every trigger-happy alien hu...