欧列格·缅希科夫是一名俄罗斯电影、戏剧演员、导演及歌手,1960年出生于莫斯科,是同时代公认的最优秀的俄罗斯演员之一。上世纪八十年代初开始演艺生涯,出演了喜剧《Pokrovskie vorota》和尼基塔·米哈尔科夫的《亲戚》等。而他在伦敦与英国著名演员瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫合作演出的《When She Danced》一剧中的出色表现则为他赢得了1992年的劳伦斯·奥利弗大奖。1993年再次与尼基塔·...
Carbon capture and sequestration... Could it be the silver bullet that saves our planet from a catastrophic climate change? Or might it present risks of its own? In the new suspense adventure film CO2...
Yesterday Noah Wilson was an average college student-- today he is the FBI's Most Wanted. He is a fugitive on the run. But why an average college student? Enter the Emulation corp., a company that pro...