爵士风情的音乐响起,须发斑白的安德森(朱利安·李 Julian Lee 饰)从昏迷中醒来,发现自己置身于一间封闭的破旧的房间内。他的手中拿着一本书,书页绘有类似示意图的图画。不远处的地板上,一只小白鼠踱来踱去。安德森按照书中的指示躲到墙壁角落里的洞中。稍后房门打开,身穿防化服的男人将另一个安德森拖了进来,放在沙发上。洞中的安德森并没有注意到这些,他趁沙发上的安德森不注意,悄悄走出洞并溜出房间,谁知...
Faced with a crime that bridges the worlds of neurosurgery, blood sports and animal rights, Hathaway works his first case as DI with the help of his new partner, DS Lizzie Maddox. Lewis, struggling to...
Danny wants something more. Expelled from school and living in his grandfathers flat, he longs to live up to the image of his estranged father Danny Senior. Sent to prison for force feeding a judge hi...
Famous film director Daniel Taylor (Gil Bellows) is planning a film about a historical Afrikaans Boer woman. His British actress girlfriend, Jodie, covets the role but realizes she must travel to Sout...