The Hellbound Saints of Brooklyn Parish are a team of foul-mouthed, lewd and lecherous priests who you'll need on your side if you want to survive an exorcism, in this outrageous horror comedy by JT P...
约翰尼·李·米勒,英国演员。于1995年,凭借在电影《黑客》中与安吉丽娜茱莉精彩的对手戏引起美国观众的注意,两人也因戏结缘,于1996年3月28日结婚。在婚礼上,朱莉身穿黑色皮裤、白色T恤,T恤上用血写着Jonny Lee Miller的名字,婚后18个月即分手, 并于1999年2月9日正式宣布离婚。...
A once happy, young couple must work together to cover up a murder at their own engagement party. Their secret is safe as long as they can stick together....