On poor terms with his sister, Angela since their father's death, Lucas Chance is hesitant to believe that she has been taken against her will until he learns their mother suffers from the same strang...
Struggling to rebuild their lives, a former tennis star and a recent divorcee decide to isolate themselves from the world in a quest for true"oneness"; as their affair descends into savagery, his fat...
Private investigator Luke Harding (James Clayton) reads a book of sinister origins owned by seedy crime lord Mr. Fairweather (Matt Frewer). Unbeknownst to Luke, the book is a much sought after superna...
Dark Harvest is a movie starring James Hutson, A.C. Peterson, and Cheech Marin. Dark Harvest's lawless marijuana landscape creates a web of sexual intrigue and violence in which the cop and grower are...