Felix is on the edge. He has got just one thing on his mind: Valerie - his wife, who has recently left him. He returns to the place of their final break-up. Valerie's ex-lover Thomas is also here, but...
The turbulent relationship between Oskar and Alex ends in a big blaze, Alex has set in Oskar's apartment. So Oskar decides that everything shall be different with the next one and he makes a deal with...
Years ago, Marlene left her husband Leonhard, a serious, strait-laced district judge, and became the lover of Leonhard's best friend Jan. It has taken a long time for the wounds to heal, but the trio ...
李·范·克里夫,美国演技派著名演员、影星,生日与前美国总统尼克松同一天,IMDb盛赞李是“One of the great movie villains”(最伟大之反派影星),影艺演出38年共演出91部电影及109部电视剧是多产影星,于数部经典西部片代表作里担纲演出,多饰演冷酷少言、功夫极好、黑衣黑裤黑帽之反派盗匪头子(即便演警长也是为盗匪幕谋);1952年演出第一部电影“边城蒙面侠” Kansa...