In the latest chapter of the chilling horror franchise, The Invoking 5: phantoms, paranormal events are captured around the globe in what might be the largest scale haunting ever recorded in m.ysgou.c...
Young Sydney stockbroker, Will, makes a bet with his rich mate Angus - who can make the most money in three months with $50,000? Obsessed with winning, Will finds himself engaged in high stakes games ...
石咏莉(英文名:Sukie Wing-lei SHEK,1986年12月25日),香港的全职模特儿。2007年和甄颖珊、陈乐榣组成女子演唱团体Freeze。Freeze为香港三人性感女子组合,成员包括甄颖珊(Carisa),陈乐榣(Alley),石咏莉(Sukie),于2007年5月6日在活动上宣布组合第三成员为陈乐榣并正式加入乐坛。Versatile actor Gary Cole has pl...