A post-apocalyptic thriller set in an alternate 1995, where a mysterious disease has wiped out all of the adults. In this new age, two gangs are pitted against each other in a brutal war for territory...
陈淑兰 Sheila Chin (兼最上镜小姐) 改名陈道然- 参选时已是模特儿,较为人有印象的广告是在港姐竞选期间常播放的『高登眼镜』TVC。入选後与李嘉欣并列热门,及後更在准决赛中夺走几乎是李嘉欣囊中物的最上镜小姐。虽然始终屈居亚军但也可说虽败犹荣。Kat Candler is an American independent filmmaker. She has credits as a di...