赵逸岚,台湾女艺人。国立台北艺术大学戏剧学系导演组毕业,毕业作品舞台剧《男孩别哭》,改编自美国电影《男孩别哭》。Sophie Alexandra Skelton was born and raised in Cheshire, UK. She is the youngest of three, with two older brothers, and the only one in her fam...
尼尔·博格曾在格林威治CT的Greenwich Country Day School和Brunswick School学习,后获得耶鲁大学美术学位,后来成为参与实验电影在20世纪80年代。他随后指导过 Meat Puppets 等另类艺术家的音乐录影带,并且动用他的声望和关系着手创作和指导一系列91年MTV反对”aliteracy“的"Books: Feed Your Head“宣传广告。尼尔在...
Sure, it's a simple trifle in film history, if even that, and seeing Sangue di sbirro today is at best mildly entertaining. For although made in the heyday of the Italian crime genre this one is no ze...