Sukumaran Vaidyar and his family, who run a charitable ayurvedic resort named Ayur Home. Despite the presence of a multi-specialty hospital in the area, the villagers of Aickarakkonam believe...
陈信喆,出生于马来西亚。精通中文、英文、马来文、粤语、闽南语五种语言,擅长吉他、舞蹈,继承了艺术家父亲的才华。Winstone's credits include the films Bullet Boy (2004), Daddy's Girl, Kidulthood (both 2006) and Donkey Punch (2008), the television series M.I.T...
故事发生在意大利的一个小镇之中,指挥官洛伦索(Peter Lühr 饰)的女儿马奎斯(埃迪特·克莱韦 Edith Clever 饰)带着女儿守寡多年,在危难之际得到了伯爵列特里特(布鲁诺·甘茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)的出手相救,才得以幸免于难,马奎斯对伯爵生出了一丝好感,然而,第二天,伯爵便跟随着军队离开了小镇。...