The first movie of the"Berliner Schule" ("La Nouvelle Vague Allemande" Cahiers Du Cinema) that gained international recognition with it being screened in the"Un certain regard"-section of Cannes Fil...
The movie follows the original Dragon Ball story, and does so more closely than The Magic Begins. This live action adaption from Korea adopts the events of the Emperor Pilaf Saga and a little of the S...
David McCallum的父亲David McCallum Sr.是伦敦爱乐乐团首席小提琴手,母亲多萝西·道曼是大提琴手,理所当然的大卫便以音乐(演奏双簧管)开启职业生涯。他在皇家音乐学院短暂学习了一段时间后转入皇家戏剧艺术学院(1949-1951)就读。 在英国演出了一系列电影后他因在「水手比利·巴德」(1962)中扮演怀亚特少尉而出名。对于老一辈,他以大热剧集「秘密特工」(1964)中的特...