张赫,韩国知名演员。著名女星全智贤合作的电影《野蛮师姐》是张赫的翻身之作,片中大胆古惑的形象深得韩国少年的喜爱。张赫曾经主演了《火山高校》、《明朗少女成功记》等。由于在大学时和朋友组过乐队,张赫在音乐上也很有天分。在戏剧上创出一片天地的他,最近又以T.J(Team Jang Hyuk)的名字进军乐坛,以说唱为主,并且向酷龙(CLON)和G.O.D取经。《野蛮女友》导演郭在容与几乎原班人马2004年...
An old friend of a private detective is murdered. The detective, Mike Hammer, will make every effort to find out the killer. At each step he does, there is someone taking advantage of his progress. W...
This is an interesting movie. It is a tendency of Italian exploitation movies in general to eschew logical plotting and character development to focus on elaborate cinematic"set pieces". While this u...