1948年生人(🏇)。原来(👵)的志向是当芭蕾舞演员。后来80年跑去演电影,在《礼尚往来 It's My Turn》里(🗣)打酱油。再后来又演了《追梦人生 Independence Day》、《浑身是劲 Footloose》、《坠入情网 Falling in Love》,一直到85年伍迪艾伦的《 The Purple Rose of Cairo开罗紫玫瑰》里一个大萧条时期的妓女(🥦)角色,给人留下了深刻印(🎂)象。伍迪艾伦第(🎩)二年的电影《汉娜姐妹 Hannah and Her Sisters》又邀请她来演女配角,这次终于拿到了奥斯卡最佳(⛪)女配角奖并且获得了(🌻)金球奖提名。Penny was known in her family as "the bad one"... because not only did she walk on the ledge of her family's apartment building, but she snuck into the movies as a child and even dated a guy named "Lefty." She attended a private girls' high school in New York and then went to the University of New Mexico for 2 1/2 years. There, Penny got pregnant with daughter, Tracy Reiner, and soon after married the father, Michael Henry, in 1961. The co...[收起部分]